

 バガン遺跡。乾燥した赤土の大地に3000 もの仏塔や寺院が並ぶ遺跡の都市。
 電動のE バイクを借り、腕時計に内蔵された電子コンパスで方角を確認しながら南西に約5km、仏教遺跡が密集するオールドバガンへ向かった。巻き上がる土埃と強烈な日差しによって、砂漠の荒野を走っている感覚だ。
 1000 年前に建てられた煉瓦造りの仏教遺跡群が、見渡す限り林立している。はじめて訪れる場所だが、どこか懐かしく感じるのは前世の記憶なのだろうか。その景色はまるで巨大なジオラマのようでもあった。




in search of a vision

Bagan ruins. A ruined city with 3,000 pagodas and temples lined up on dry red soil.
He set up his base at an inn in Nyaung-U, a district where travelers gather. This is because the rent is cheap and there is a wealth of local information.
I rented an electric E-bike and headed about 5km southwest to Old Bagan, where there are many Buddhist ruins, while checking the direction using the electronic compass built into my wristwatch. The swirling dust and intense sunlight make it feel like you’re driving through a desert wasteland.
A group of brick Buddhist ruins built 1,000 years ago stand in a forest as far as the eye can see. It’s my first time visiting this place, but I wonder if it’s memories from my previous life that make me feel nostalgic. The scenery looked like a giant diorama.
Are there any Buddhist ruins that I saw in my vision? Since I couldn’t pinpoint them, I decided to visit them in order, starting with the main locations.
When the sun shines on a pagoda or temple, wait for a girl to miraculously appear. If the girl does not appear under the limited conditions, he will give up on that location and head to another location while calculating the position of the sun.
For many days, I ran around Bagan under the scorching heat of the sun until the sun rose and then set, waiting for the girl to appear.

For Theravada Buddhism, the pagoda is the Buddha itself. As I was sharpening my five senses, feeling the Buddha’s will, my eyes caught a girl shining in a circle of several people.
A calm expression, yet a dignified gaze. I wasn’t sure if it was the girl I saw in the vision, but the aura emanating from her body was the same.
The timing to call out is momentary. I came here with strong feelings, so I have no hesitation whatsoever. Without disclosing his vision, he introduces himself as a Japanese photographer who takes pictures on the themes of Buddhism and prayer, and tells him that he would like to have his photo taken. Even though we were of different nationalities, there was a strange sense of kinship even when we first met, perhaps because we had Buddhism in common.

With the sun shining on the pagoda in the background, the girl puts her hands together and prays silently. What can you see beyond the girl’s gaze? Is it a better next life that comes from accumulating merit, or is it a memory of a previous life? The vision you saw during meditation becomes reality before your eyes. I gazed at the scene through the camera’s viewfinder and quietly pressed the shutter.

He arrived in Myanmar thinking that the vision was a clue to his past life’s memories, but when he came face to face with the girl, he felt an overwhelming sense of reality.
I thought that prayer was a way to accumulate merit, but I realized that while praying to the Buddhist pagoda (Buddha), the girl was concentrating on the reality of this moment.
By meeting the girl and taking her photo, I realized why I had come here. The purpose was to clearly recognize the “now” moment of this life, neither the previous life nor the next.