

 仏教の起源は、今から約2600 年前に、釈迦族の王子、ゴータマ・シッダッタが身分を捨て出家し、厳しい修行の末にインドのブッダガヤで悟りを開いたことからはじまる。




 インドで生まれた仏教は、イスラム勢力の侵入によって僧院が破壊され、バラモン教から発展したヒンドゥー教に飲み込まれるが、上座部仏教と大乗仏教の2 つに分裂し、アジア各地に広がっていく。





Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism

Buddhism is a world religion, along with Christianity and Islam.
The origins of Buddhism began about 2,600 years ago when Siddhartha Gautama, a prince of the Shakya tribe, abandoned his social status and became a monk, and after undergoing rigorous training, he achieved enlightenment in Bodh Gaya, India.
Buddha means an awakened person or an enlightened person, and is an honorific title for Shakyamuni.
The Buddha taught that if you practice with a pure heart, you will be freed from suffering in your lifetime.
In India at the time, Brahmanism, which had a caste system that determined people’s superiority and inferiority at birth, was at its peak, so the Buddha’s truth in opposing the system captured people’s hearts.
The Buddha did not preach religion, but taught how to understand the essence (liberation from suffering) by observing one’s inner reality (oneself) as it is. be.
Dharma is a law of nature, and it is a universal law that is not bound by religious sects or preconceptions. It is the wisdom and technique of human life.
During his lifetime, the Buddha left behind nothing in writing, and several hundred years after his death, his disciples passed down his stories orally and compiled them into the Buddhist scriptures.
Buddhism, which was born in India, had its monasteries destroyed by the invasion of Islamic forces and was swallowed up by Hinduism, which developed from Brahmanism, but it split into two, Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism, and spread throughout Asia.

Theravada Buddhism spread to Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos via the southern island of Sri Lanka.
It is said that by faithfully practicing Buddha’s teachings, becoming a monk and observing strict precepts, one can attain enlightenment and be saved.
“Kamiza” is a highly respected monk (ascetic practitioner) and means an elder.

Mahayana Buddhism spread from Gandhara (present-day Pakistan) through the oases of the Silk Road to Tibet, China, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan.
Various sects and scriptures have emerged, and the idea is to save not only monks who have become monks and have undergone rigorous training, but also ordinary people.

Theravada Buddhism focuses only on the Buddha, while Mahayana Buddhism focuses on the Buddha, Tathagata, Bodhisattvas, Myo-o, Tenbu, the founders of various sects, and Prince Shotoku, who spread Buddhism to Japan, among many others. Theravada Buddhism is widely rooted in Myanmar, largely due to the spread of Vipassana meditation and the unique existence of the Buddha.